Today's Anagram

30 March 2008

Day 8

Well, words can't express how great it was to have Amber, Abbey and Tait with us for the week - it meant so much to us for them to breath our air for a few days and come to appreciate this place Tokyo we call home.

Crab Finale

Inakaya is a restaurant in the Robatayaki, or "hearth cooking" cuisine style. Two chefs sit opposite the customer counter, and in front of several varieties of fresh fish, meat and vegetables. The food is grilled and passed to the patrons using what look like paddles with long handles as you can see here:

The food is only the freshest and best quality available - Japanese beef, fresh fish and vegetables, etc. One of the more unusual dishes, however, is the Sawagani, or fresh water crabs. Don't mistake these little Japanese river crabs for garnish or toys. They are meant to be eaten whole, shell and all. The fresh-water crabs live in most parts of Japan in clear-water streams. They average about 3/4 inch in diameter when mature. Deep-fried until they are crisp, then lightly salted, think of the Sawagani as an eight legged potato chip.

Oooooohhh Nooooo ! ! ! I'm going to be eeeeaaatenn!!!

Well, one of the most entertaining things I have seen in a long time was Savannah, Taite, Savannah, Amber, Allie Rae and finally Erika, each taking their turn to gobble down one of these tasty critters. Words can hardly do it justice, so I created a special slide show just to commemorate the occasion.